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Traditional or classic gastric bypass is used to create restriction and malabsorption. In other words, the goals of surgery are the following: the patient should eat less food (principle of restriction), absorption of food calories in the body will be reduced (principle of malabsorption), in order for the patient to eat less food, the size of the stomach should be changed, and in order for less food to be absorbed Intestinal activity should be changed in a way that makes less absorption. When the stomach shrinks, the patient feels full and full, so he has no desire to eat. On the other hand, less food is absorbed in the intestine and practically fewer calories reach the body.

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Ava Tehzih Novin Hirad Company

Hirad Ava Equipment Company is a medical-commercial company that started its activity in 2016. This company, having special potentials in medical affairs, has been able to achieve many achievements in this field. Ava Tehzih Novin Hirad company is an importer of surgical instruments and equipment from the best brands in the world and since it has a lot of interest in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, it has made all its efforts in the field of treatment and providing first-class medical equipment for the treatment of patients. Ava Tehzih Novin Hirad Company is a sponsor of important surgical congresses in Iran and has proven its commitment to supply medical consumables to medical centers.

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Obesity treatment package

Description of the first package


Introduction of doctors

Sculpting package

Description of the second package


Beauty packages

Description of the third package


Eye surgery package

Description of the fourth package


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Post Four

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat […]

Post Tree

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat […]